Esther Bible study questions

A Guide to Studying the Book of Esther

M&H Staff

The Book of Esther: a whirlwind of palace intrigue, daring defiance, and an unlikely heroine who saves her people. Unlike other Old Testament books in the Bible, Esther unfolds without explicit mentions of God, yet His presence lingers in every twist and turn. This guide equips you to embark on a thrilling exploration of Esther, posing insightful Bible study questions for esther to unlock its timeless themes and glean its enduring message. Before diving into the study guide, immerse yourself in the Book of Esther. Give it a dedicated read, paying close attention to the characters' motivations, actions, and the ever-unfolding plot. Let's dive into the Book of Esther!

Esther Bible Study Questions

Chapter-by-Chapter Exploration:

Chapter 1: A King's Extravagant Feast and a Queen's Defiance:

  • Imagine yourself at the king's extravagant feast. What feelings might you experience amidst such opulence?
  • Consider the cultural norms of the time. How do these norms compare to societal expectations today? Are there situations where you feel pressure to conform, even if it clashes with your beliefs?
  • What personality traits does Queen Vashti display through her actions?
  • How does her defiance challenge the established power dynamic between the king and queen?

Chapter 2: A New Queen Emerges from the Shadows:

  • How is Esther chosen to become queen?
  • What is the significance of her Jewish heritage being kept hidden? Explore the weight of this secret.
  • Consider the role of Mordecai, Esther's cousin, in her life. How does he influence and support her?

Chapters 3-4: Haman's Hatred Ignites and Mordecai's Resistance Grows:

  • What fuels Haman's intense hatred towards Mordecai and the Jews?
  • How does Mordecai's unwavering defiance foreshadow the brewing conflict?
  • Although God isn't directly mentioned, explore the concept of divine providence. How is God working behind the scenes, orchestrating events even if unseen?

Chapters 5-7: Esther's Moment of Courage and a Daring Plan:

  • What internal conflict does Esther grapple with as she contemplates approaching the king uninvited?
  • Mordecai's powerful words, "Who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:14) hold immense significance. Discuss the themes of courage, faith, and the role we play in God's plans.
  • Analyze Esther's strategy. How does she navigate the complex court politics and customs to get an audience with the king?

Chapters 8-10: Triumphant Reversal and a Time for Celebration:

  • Mordecai is suddenly placed in a high position of power. How does this advancement potentially benefit the Jewish people?
  • How do the tables turn in favor of the Jews? Explore the concept of justice and the reversal of fortune.
  • Esther institutes the Purim festival to commemorate the Jews' deliverance. What does this celebration tell us about the importance of remembering God's faithfulness?
  • The Book of Esther doesn't delve into the specifics of how Mordecai and Esther use their power. Imagine some potential ways they might improve the lives of the Jews.
  • The story of Esther concludes, but its themes remain relevant. How can the lessons learned from this book inspire and guide us in our own lives?

Deepening Your Understanding:

  • Explore the concept of hidden identity and its significance in the story. How does Esther's hidden heritage impact the plot?
  • How do Esther and Mordecai demonstrate courage and faith throughout the narrative?
  • Discuss how God's providence is evident throughout the book, even in the absence of His direct mention.
  • How do the themes of courage, faith, and overcoming adversity resonate in our world today?
  • Can you think of modern-day examples of people standing up for what is right, even at great personal risk?

The Book of Esther offers a treasure trove of wisdom and inspiration. By embarking on this captivating Bible study with these insightful questions, you'll gain a richer understanding of the story's significance and its enduring message of hope, courage, and God's faithfulness, even when He seems hidden.
